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You can set up an account to establish and manage a recurring tithe, or you can give a one-time offering.
Want to donate to a specific missionary, guest speaker, or VCC project? See our partners below and write it in the notes section when you give.
No one is obligated to give, especially if you’re a guest. If your heart feels called to partner with us, we’re so grateful – otherwise sit back and enjoy the presence of God this morning.
Partners & Projects
Rochester Organizations
Our members have donated holiday gifts for children and families.
We have collected non perishable food items and made brown bag lunches for the homeless.
We have collected hygiene products, clothing, & gifts for women and children working to overcome generational poverty.
We have collected clothing and hygiene items for those living in poverty.
We have collected warm blankets, coats, & warm clothes for people struggling with substance abuse.
Local organization that helps those in need with clothing, food, finances and counseling.
National & Global Relief
We have collected over 1,000 shoes for 3rd world countries and for those here in the states.
We have packed shoeboxes for Christmas and collected money to purchase farm animals for families
We give financially to help feed, house and educate orphans in Haiti and India.
Missionaries, Missions, & Ministry Training
Missionaries to Germany
International Speaker
Teacher on Biblical healing
Bible College training people for the work of the ministry