We (& You) Are The Church

We believe the church is not somewhere to go, it’s something you are. We know that God is moving through His church, and so He is moving through you. There are several ways you can take a step forward in your faith… and we can help!


Go: Attend a service

If you’re looking for a way to get closer to God, the best next step is to spend time with Him and we can help you do that at one of our Sunday services. You can join us in person at our location or online on our Facebook page or YouTube channel. Have questions or want to let us know you’re coming? Check out our FAQ.


Growth: Go deeper in the Word

We have so many sermons available to help you develop your faith and your relationship with God. Whether you’re interested in the Book of Daniel or want to learn more about how to bounce back from tough situations, the Bible is full of relevant and helpful direction. You can listen or watch right online. 

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Give: Regular tithe or special offerings

God’s blessed us with so much, we desire to give back to Him and grow His kingdom here on Earth. In addition to your regular tithes, you can partner with us to support local ministries, global missionaries, or projects right here in our own building.