What’s happening at VCC?
 We want you to be in the know! Check this page often for update and follow our social media @victorychurchroc.

MOTHER’S DAY: Sunday, May 12

We are looking forward to celebrating Mother’s Day on May 12 at 10 am here at VCC and we would like to invite you and your family to join us! We realize there can be a wide range of emotions on Mother’s Day, and while we do our best to be sensitive to this, we also believe it is of great importance that we take time to celebrate Mothers and the wonderful gift they are to families. Make plans to join us for games, prizes, a great message, and more! 

Wed. Night Class: April 17th @ 7 pm

This series focuses on exploring the commands of Christ. These are not suggestions or things we should consider adding to our lives, we need to bring our lives under the submission of the word of God. If you want to walk in victory and receive all that God has for you, you will have to walk in obedience to his word. This series is devoted to examining the valuable instructions given by Christ.

Looking for a community? Join us after service for our coffee and donuts 🍩☕️ get together every 2nd Sunday. It’s a great way to meet someone new and connect with others in the church.

We are reading the Bible together as a church. It is a great opportunity to come together with others who share the same desire for spiritual growth. By reading the Bible together, we can discuss and share our thoughts, learn from each other, and encourage one another in our faith journey.